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Showing: 16 results

Thomas O'Brien

Tom O’Brien is a Canon and Examining Chaplain for Holy Scripture in the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida. The writings presented by Tom are those prescribed in the Revised Common Lectionary for the upcoming Sundays. Tom has been a Lay Deputy to the last five Episcopal Church General Conventions and...

Updated 09/15/2021

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John J O'Connor

Updated 05/16/2022

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Timothy P O'Malley

Dr. Timothy P. O’Malley is the director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy at the University of Notre Dame’s Institute for Church Life. He is also an Associate Professional Specialist in the Department of Theology. A graduate of Notre Dame (B.A., Theology and Philosophy; M.T.S., Liturgical Studies) and Boston...

Updated 03/18/2022

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Roger O'Neel

Dr. Roger O'Neel serves as Associate Professor of Music and Worship, and as director of music theory. He has served for 11 years as a full-time minister for worship and has a wealth of experience and knowledge in all aspects of traditional and contemporary worship. He received his Ph.D. in...

Updated 04/07/2022

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Judith Anne O'Sullivan

Updated 05/16/2022

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Naomi Oates

The Rev. Naomi Oates is a presbyter, currently serving in four churches in the North Kent Circuit. Previously, she worked for seven years in a variety of guises for the Connexional Team. (Source and photo:

Updated 04/09/2022

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John Ogden

Updated 04/22/2022

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Mary Oliver

Updated 10/18/2021

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Bill Olnhausen

Father Bill Olnhausen is Pastor Emeritus of Saint Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. He was raised Evangelical United Brethren, went Methodist, was an Episcopalian priest for 24 years, and now for 33 years has been an Orthodox priest. He blogs regularly on the intersection of Orthodox Faith and...

Updated 04/02/2022

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Robert Ombres

Fr. Robert Ombres, former Procurator General of the Order of Preachers, lives and teaches at Blackfriars, Oxford and at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. (Source and photo:

Updated 09/24/2021

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