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Showing: 754 results

John L Bell

Updated 03/06/2021

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Giovanni Bellini

Giovanni Bellini was an Italian Renaissance painter and was considered to have revolutionized Venetian painting, moving it toward a more sensuous and coloristic style. Through the use of clear, slow-drying oil paints, Giovanni created deep, rich tints and detailed shadings. (Source and photo: Wikipedia)

Updated 02/05/2022

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Alissa Bender

Alissa Bender began her ministry at Hamilton Mennonite Church in November 2010. During her studies at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (Elkhart, IN), she had opportunities to serve congregations in Goshen, IN and Abbotsford, BC. Before coming to Hamilton she served as Associate Pastor at Calgary First Mennonite Church, where she...

Updated 04/13/2022

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Bruce Benedict

Bruce Benedict has been the chaplain of worship arts at Hope College since June 2014. He works with a large team of students who seek to steward the tremendous creative gifts of Hope College towards the glory of God. He also teaches as an adjunct instructor in the Center for...

Updated 03/06/2021

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Simon Bening

Updated 02/03/2022

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Rachel Benjamin

Rachel Benjamin is an actress, playwright, and singer/songwriter from Rochester, New York. Rachel began writing at a very young age. Since that time, her original work has been published in EC, a magazine publication of Lifeway, as well well as selected for play readings and various performances by numerous theatre...

Updated 02/07/2022

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Steven Benner

Updated 04/17/2022

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Jean Benoit

Updated 09/20/2021

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Kenneth Berding

Updated 04/03/2022

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Paul S Berge

Paul S. Berge is an emeritus faculty member of Luther Seminary, where he taught New Testament from 1973 to 2002. He is a contributor to the online program of Luther Seminary, Enter the Bible, having authored the study on the Gospel of Mark. He is director of Vision Slovakia, a...

Updated 04/24/2021

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