Culture sermon ideas

The rich biblical concept of culture reveals how God has appointed humans to develop all aspects of the created world with care and imagination. Culture includes not only the things we make and grow using the raw materials of creation, but also all the ways in which we live together and relate to each other in society, family, and marriage. There is much to say in sermons and worship about culture — about how humans develop the gifts that God has given us in the world.  

What does the Bible say about culture?

Culture and creation

The Bible passages below can be used in sermons or worship planning focused on culture. 

Culture and creation 

In the creation story in Genesis, God creates humans in the divine image. This means, in part, that they are given the task of caring for and developing the creation — for its own flourishing and for the welfare of all its creatures. Two immediate evidences of the human culture-making mandate are that Adam tills the soil of the garden for useful produce, or agriculture, and names the animals, thus developing an intimate knowledge of the created world necessary for its cultural development. God also pays attention to the culture of human community by bringing Adam and Eve together in a one-flesh bond we call marriage. 

  • Genesis 1, Genesis 2, God creates the heavens and the earth and everything in them; God puts humans in charge of caring for the garden 

Culture and the fall 

In the fall, humans attempt to wrest their culture-making authority from God, seeking autonomy. As a result, human culture-making does not end, but it is threatened with pain, difficulty, and evil. Cain and Abel, children of the first family, are each involved in a cultural activity (agriculture and animal husbandry), which leads to deadly conflict over which one's cultural sacrifice God mysteriously accepts. Even as wickedness increases, more culture emerges as well, with musical instruments and song, weaponry, and tools. 

  • Genesis 4, the story of Cain and Abel, and the beginnings of civilization  

Culture in Israel's faith and life 

Sermons about culture can point out the fascinating ways in which various cultural activities become deeply interwoven in Israel's worship. The tabernacle and later the temple are beautiful architectural works, filled with all kinds of materials, colors, and detailed artifacts. Specifically, the Lord tells Moses to set apart Bezalel and Oholiab, whom God has filled with abilities, intelligence, and knowledge of all types of craftsmanship. Here God blesses not only what might be called ordinary cultural work, but fine art and its artisans as well. God takes delight in human culture-making and includes it in the life of worship. 

  • Exodus 31:1-6, the Lord appoints two artisans to create furnishings for the tent of meeting in stone, wood, metals, and fabrics 

Culture in the wisdom literature 

In Israel's wisdom literature, we also find evidence of God's blessing and guidance of human culture. The proverbs portray what it means to live wisely, that is, with skill and knowledge of how things work in the world. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but this literature proceeds to uncover the various ways by which we can live wisely and well as cultured people. It provides cultural wisdom on the ways of parents and children, husbands and wives; on the relationships among neighbors and between workers and employers. 

Culture redeemed 

Sermons about culture can highlight the Bible's teaching that in Christ God intends to redeem not only individuals but also human culture. God promises a future in a new heaven and a new earth. Redemption embraces all God has made and all God intended for his culture-making creatures. In John's stunning vision in Revelation, redemption is pictured as the new Jerusalem that comes down from heaven. But all the works of human culture are not left behind; they are included in the heavenly city. 

  • Revelation 21:24, the kings of the earth will bring their glory into the heavenly city 

Sermon ideas about culture

In our sermons about culture, we can help believers understand that their sanctification includes pointing to the kingdom of God through their participation in human culture. Christ calls artists and architects, parents and children, builders and business people, educators and scientists, courts of law and halls of legislature, to honor him by developing the creation in ways that display and preserve its beauty and form and honor the Creator. 

Human culture is deformed in many ways, but one of the most pervasive is the power of money. In agriculture, for example, instead of working with the land and tending the resources, farmers are tempted to make the land into a production facility, pounding chemicals into exhausted soil in order to increase gains. The same holds true for other forms of culture, from art to politics, from sport to media. Culture shouldn't be about maximizing profits, but about developing potential, finding beauty, and caring for the God-given resources that make human culture possible. 

Culture, the author Andy Crouch said, "is what human beings make of the world. It always bears the stamp of our creativity, our God-given desire to make something more than we are given." 

Excerpts about culture 

Following are sample excerpts from sermon resources about culture: 

"Moving forward, the creation of an ecclesial culture may require more active attention to popular culture in our increasingly connected but fractured cultural landscape." Article about Preaching by Eric D. Barreto from Working Preacher  

"The older we get, the more enculturated we become into our own way of life and the harder it is for us to become enculturated into a different way of life. Culture shock occurs when our way of life is confronted by a different one." Article about Theologyby Judy Y Chung from Ministry Matter 

"Liturgical culture means that liturgy 'informs' what it means to be human in the context of the school, the family, and the parish. And yet, we must acknowledge that there are aspects of culture that are antithetical to liturgical celebration." Article about Worship and the Sacraments by Timothy P. O'Malley from McGrath Institute

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